Sunday, October 9, 2011


TOPIC:                             FAITH BORN OF  DESPERATION

MEMORY VERSE:             MARK 9:23 "Jesus said to him, 
                                        If thou canst believe, all 
                                        things are possible to him that 
FOCUS:                           To reframe desperation as a 
                                         catalyst for faith and grow in 
                                         our ability to trust God.

What is the worst problem you can imagine? A dying loved one? An epidemic? War? What problem seems so big that nothing touches it?

How do you feel when you think about this problem? Depressed? Hapless? Angry? We can be paralyzed with fear. Unable to act, we don’t know how to go on.

Such problems can be reframed in a way that increases faith. If we see God as the One who has power in impossible situations, our trust in Him grows.

Looking at the story of Centurion, he acknowledged Jesus’ authority by:
1.     He approached Jesus with humility
2.    He also showed that he knew that Jesus had the power to do something about his problem
3.    He understood that Jesus had real power over all of God’s creation.
Jesus was amazed by this Gentile man’s faith (Matthew 8:10)
When we really trust God, we believe that He has the power heal us, but we must also trust Him to do what is best if He does not heal us. Our despair can lead us into a closer relationship with Jesus. This close relationship can help us live through terrible times as well as overcome them.
It is not our perfect faith the brings healing but God’s power, when we trust God enough to ask Him in prayer (Mark 9:28,29).

The woman in Matthew 15, believe Jesus could heal her child. Yet she also knew that her background should cause her not to expect help from a Jew. 
But she was so desperate that she sought Jesus’ help anyway. Her desperation was a catalyst to her faith.

Sometimes, the delays to answers to our prayers may be because:

a.    The spiritual condition of our heart
b.    The straitening of our faith
c.    God’s timing
But we should remember that a time of despair is an opportunity to understand who God really is.

Are there problems which seem so hopeless that you don’t even dare to ask God? As they come to your mind, don’t dismiss them. Write the problems down and begin to make them part of your prayer.

Today, make a list of your resources for prayer. Who is willing to pray with you? With whom could you share your problems? Now is the time to begin to approach God about these stubborn problems. We need others to pray with us. They also need us.

Who in your community may be in despair, in need to God’s help? As a class, brainstorm ways to reach these people. As an individual, figure out some way to reach out to help those who are in need.


  1. y is it that its everytime, we are in need we cry unto God???
    the last sunday school lesson did not touch me at all, coz i feel its a negative lesson.

  2. A man, in answer to Paul's question 'are we to stay in sin that grace may abound?' said, that its not that God cannot forgive us anytime we sin and ask him for forgiveness but, after-all it was God that said that if your brother offend you, you should forgive seventy times seven in a day, talk more of Him as God, but rather it is for our own good. God has seen that if we continue to sin and ask him for forgiveness, it will come to time that one will start feeling that God will no longer forgive or listen and thus, give up asking for God's forgiveness. To answer your question, from my view, it is human nature. When things are rosy, we forget God, but when we hit dead ends, God becomes the ultimate.
