Sunday, October 23, 2011

ABC of Salvation

What gives you a sense of self worth? What makes you lovable?Questions about self-esteem are common today. People who have a realistic and positive view of themselves do better than those who are encouraged and critical of themselves.

In their quest for self-esteem people have sometimes lost their sense of direction. The Gospel that proclaims Jesus came to save people from sin seems to some like a judgement on their worth. In reality, it is an affirmation of value of every person to GOD.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” This is one of the most popular bible scriptures that both “Non-Christian and Christians” alike can easily quote, without the full understanding of what it really means and what God is saying.

Here, in this scripture are details and revelations that explain how simple it is to be saved. In this scripture is the simple direction, the ABC to get saved.

During much of Jesus’ ministry, large number people followed Him, to hear from Him, touch Him, see the various miracles He would perform and as for a few, tempt Him. Today’s Sunday school lesson tries to lay emphasis on the events that were recorded in the bible by Luke. It contrasts two people who wanted to see Jesus- Simon (self righteous man) and an unnamed woman (prostitute sinner).
Are there any similarities between Simon and the woman???
There are many questions that are to be asked in this lesson, some of which are best answered personally, to what’s in our hearts and mind. We must learn the attitudes of these two actors here, towards being close to Jesus and our hospitability towards him in our hearts.

The really question about this lesson that must be answered rhetorically is:

·        Are we Simon or the Sinful woman???
    ·       How do we treat those people we consider as sinners?
·        What are the barriers that keep people from trusting Jesus for Salvation?
·        How can we show our love for Jesus for the forgiveness he has shown us?
·        What does God really want from us?

God has made loads of provisions for our redemption, through the blood of His son and through faith in His word. God sent His son into the world to save the lost. Each of us need to first believe in His word, then we can gain life eternal and then we now boast of been Christians. We need to consider our faith in Christ for salvation and guard our hearts, least we take his grace for granted.

Guard your heart; Appreciate God’s wondrous Grace,his forgiveness and express our love and gratitude to the Saviour (JESUS) daily.

1 comment:

  1. We must examine our hearts. Do we, at all cost, avoid having anything to do with sinners or do we rejoice when a sinner finds forgiveness and expresses devotion to the saviour? God accepts those who come to Him, aware of their faults. So should we.
