Thursday, March 26, 2015

Tough Love

We people meet for the first time, they usually start with regular “hellos” and “hi”. They do not usually get angry over everything the person does because there is very little between them. They do not own each other much. When the relationship/friendship gets interesting or when it goes beyond mere acquaintances and starts developing into something deeper, there’s usually this question “who am I to you?” or “what are we doing?”

This question is usually followed by set of rules or conditions (can be said or left unsaid) which determines how the relationship is to proceed going forward. The dos and don’ts increase, small things offends the other, etc.

Same can be said of the relationship between Israel and God. They have been God’s people for as long as they can remember but where majorly on “hello – hi” level. They have never asked themselves what are we doing or who am I to you?

After the plagues and passing the Red Sea, God had demonstrated to the Israelites that He meant business in the relationship He was building with them. He had to give them the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments was and is still instructions concerning the goodness, righteousness, and godliness that God expects of those who identify as His children and walk in the Spirit. Those He had brought out of Egypt (sinful life) through many miracles, those who He had graciously redeemed. This commandments where to define them as a people.

Christians are not bound by the Law, having been freed from its obligations through Christ. However, the Law teaches principles concerning how to live under God’s blessings. Obeying God is no longer a matter of code, but of conscience. Scripture provides us with fundamental moral concepts, as well as instructions regarding holiness and separation from the world. These reveal to us what God desires of His people. As we follow His righteous plans, we will experience spiritual growth and vitality as well as intimacy with God.

As it is with human to human relationships, those dos and don’ts keeps the relationship alive; the dos and don’ts of God – His commands summarized in – Galatians 5:13 – 15 “…For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: Love your neighbour as yourself” keeps our relationship with him growing. Perform a personal inventory of you level of commitment to God’s Word today. How far is God from you? “If you feel far away from God, guess who moved?” Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you, James 4:8.