Monday, February 4, 2013


Man is a dupable animal. Quacks in medicine, quacks in religion, and quacks in politics know this, and act upon that knowledge.”
Robert Southey (1774 - 1843)
English poet and writer.
The Doctor

God declared through Micah (Micah 3:6 and 7) that a day is coming when the false (quack) prophets would no longer be able to deceive. Instead of appearing to be enlightened, they would experience only darkness. Their reputation for hearing from God would be exposed as a lie, and it would be clear to everyone that they had never really heard from God.

Signs of False Prophet:
They treat people with complete disregard; they abhor God’s laws and justice; they pervert the standards of right and wrong for their own benefit; they build up and maintain their own authority with bloodshed and iniquity; they are willing to kill the innocent and do whatever it takes to maintain their control over people; they pursue their own selfish gain; they claim to have God’s presence and blessing; their words are not backed up with obedience to God; they do not believe God’s judgment will ever come; they carry out religious ceremonies without a genuine commitment to God.

One very vital quality expected in any leader is integrity; when we think if integrity words that quickly come to mind are words like incorruptible, soundness, wholeness, and honesty.
Some believers, especially leaders, are tempted to excuse sins because of their regular church attendance or financial generosity or good deeds in the community. When people think like this, they are deceiving themselves, if they continue in this error, God is certain to bring correction and even judgment on them as He did on the corrupt leaders of Judah.

Even people who have little or no interest in Christianity will take notice of well-known preachers who are caught in sin. When well-known religious figures are shown to be doing the very things they preach against, they become despicable and humiliated before all the people.

Despite the gullibility of men, God is encouraging us through Micah to be Righteous Leads no matter the cost, not just for judgement sake, but also for blessings and edification of the body of Christ.