Sunday, December 11, 2011


‘300’! Did anyone watch that movie? The movie where Spartacus starred fighting a legion with his 300 men! It was Awesome Action! It only reminds of Gideon in the bible, i honestly thought they stole the concept from the bible (lol... Wikipedia has more gist on the Spartans though). Interestingly, Gideon’s greatness just like Spartacus did not come over-nite.
When we observe highly skilled people, we can often forget that they didn’t start out that way. It took discipline and practice to reach a high level of proficiency.
Through faithfulness to God we are empowered to do His will, make Godly choices, exercise our faith, trust him for strength and advance the kingdom. Gideon in this case is a classic example and now we must examine  how God empowered Gideon (...well, i need those tips if you don’t: come-on, lets trample the enemy together) Judges 6 - 7:25
Lessons learnt from the stories of this GREAT, (if you like , MIGHTY) MAN OF VALOUR include the following (to mention a few):
-          Take Joy in the privilege of God’s call to serve him (answer the call; don’t put God on voicemail)
-          Affirm the need to look to God for resources & direction instead of ourselves or others
-          Serve God with expectations of Victory  
-          Use what God provides (strength-in-numbers doesn’t always work)
-          Triumph in God’s strength (even if it seems like an unusual battle plan)
I really wish leaders today, in church, family, secular environs would decide to step out & do what’s right even when out-numbered, ridiculed & despised or even persecuted. Gideon would not have experienced God’s power through him, missing the opportunity of being a co-labourer if he chickened-out on the call.
Not much was said of the ‘300’ besides their obedience & commitment but we need Godly leaders & followers to see that God’s plan for the church succeeds. Ephesians 4:11-16
Never underestimate what God can do with people that are faithful to him. He doesn’t need your ability but your availability. Answer his call Today & triumph in His strength. Become A MIGHTY MAN OF VALOUR!
 Step Out in God’s direction!