Monday, June 2, 2014

Grace is the Answer

Four people—a pilot, a professor, a pastor, and a hiker—were flying in a small plane when the engines died. The pilot said, “There are only three parachutes. Since this is my plane, I’m taking one of them.” He put it on and jumped out. The professor said, “I’m brilliant and the world needs me, so I’m taking a parachute,” and he jumped out.

Then the pastor told the hiker, “I don’t want to be selfish, so you take the last parachute.” The hiker replied, “There are still two left, so we can each have one. The professor jumped out with my backpack instead of the parachute!” Though the professor knew he would land safely, his assurance was based on faulty thinking.

What is the gospel? Whose doctrine is the right doctrine? Who is worshiping the one and true God? If we base our belief on observance of the law, then we can never succeed because, the Ten Commandments were given so that all could see the extent of their failure to obey God’s laws. However, the more we see our sinfulness, the more we see God’s abounding grace forgiving us. Before, sin ruled over all men and brought them to death, but now God’s kindness rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

God’s grace exists inside of all of us and around us. Grace is our inner beauty, which radiates outward, touching everyone we meet. It is that unseen hand that comes from the divine, raising us up when we most need it. To be able to live in a state of grace is not based on worthiness, nor is it earned through good deeds, ritual, or sacrifice. Rather it is an unearned favour, freely bestowed and available to all, that is inherent to our birthright. All we must do is open our eyes to its presence and we will find and experience grace everywhere.

We need to consider which aspects of our lives, which do not resemble Jesus right now. Perhaps we have previously tried to change things on our own. It is time to invite God’s help. Ask Him to give you the grace you need to become the person He wants you to be.

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