Sunday, May 4, 2014

Walking Tall

Is it not amazing how we wake up each morning dress for work and turn the ignition on our car with so much assurance that the car will start or sit on chairs completely believing that we will not fall from the chair or that the chair will carry our weight? Yet we doubt a God, Father and Friend who has been proven over the years to be unwavering in his promises.

Confidence helps the believer, not confidence in self, but confidence about his or her relationship with God. Without this, the Christian life can become an uncertain journey through life rather the abundant, enjoyable life God had planned for every believer.

Confidence in our relationship with God – because of what Jesus has done for us, we can (and should) approach God confidently. Approach him in prayer. Approach him in His word. Not through the blood of animals, but by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Confidence in your relationships with other Christians – make it a commitment to meet with your brothers and sisters in Christ, even when life is getting really busy and hard. 6-7 hours a week for Church, youth Group and Bible Study is not a huge ask, but they all go such a long way to helping you stand firm in your faith. Go to church confidently, to be an encourager! Anyone who wishes to walk confidently with Christ needs the strength and inspiration that regularly gathering and worshipping with other believers provide.

Confidence about who you are amongst your non-Christian mates – do not shrink back. Stand up for your faith at school. Write about your faith on Facebook. Invite mates to youth group even if they laugh at you. So let us not allow ourselves to get fatigued in doing good. At the right time, we will harvest a good crop if we do not give up, or quit.

Therefore do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. There are many things that can lure us away from our confidence in Christ and His promise of wonderful future. There are things that undermine our faith in Christ - things like our attitudes, do we encourage gossip? Do we actually love our enemies…? We need to deal with these things that threaten to undermine our faith.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful article. In times like these of fear, insecurity, pain and poverty we must trust God and walk tall as believers, more than conquerors through Christ. God bless the SS diaries team.
