Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hindrances to Prayer

A depositor whose account is in good condition normally has every check he draws honoured by the bank. Then why can a child of God day-by-day not draw on the bank of Heaven by having his prayers answered as a matter of course, as a daily business? He can! When a Christian fails to have his prayer-check cashed, he should regard it as proof that something is wrong that needs attention at once.

Often we pray for daily bread or for other daily necessities, such as money for rent, or for a job, or furniture or clothes, things for which God tells us to pray; and yet no answer comes. Christians often pray for the conversion of loved ones, pray for revivals, pray for help in temptation; all matters about which every Christian certainly has a right to pray, matters about which God has declared in His Word that He is concerned, and which He is anxious to give us; and yet Christians often do not get the answer to their prayers. Why? The answer is that many a good prayers cannot be answered by a holy God because of sins in the life and heart of the one who prays.

It is all too easy to fill our lives with ‘important’ activities and ministry while neglecting the most important activity of seeking God’s face and power.

When we cherish sin, embrace it, want it to exist as part of our lifestyles or take pleasures in them, we are harbouring and condoning sin and God will not hear us. We may not imagine ourselves cherishing sin, but it can be a subtle thing – a negative attitude toward a co-worker, an unhealthy desire for possessions, or unwillingness to follow God’s leading. If allowed to continue, our sins will render our prayers empty and powerless, for we will not have a clear conscience when we approach God.

Hidden sins (no matter how small they may appear), bitterness towards others and unbelief are issues that can threaten our ability to effective communicate with God. We are wise to examine our lives closely. Do we hold on to unconfessed sin, hard feelings, or a lack of belief? If so, how will we respond?

Sometimes, we simply do not believe that God will answer if we did pray. Instead of bringing our requests before the Lord, we worry over them, disregarding the hundreds of promises in God’s Word that He will hear us and help us when we pray. Some people struggle with their faith because of seemingly impossible situations, misplaced priorities, or questioning God’s power, ability or goodness. When we doubt God, it undermines our prayers.

Let us turn from obstacles to prayer and move towards healthy consistent communication with God. We can have a strong line of communication with God if we are willing to respond to His voice by making necessary changes in our attitudes, then shall the answers to our prayers be given and we will know that the Lord our God is mighty.

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