Sunday, December 29, 2013

Words and Opposite

Gandhi is reported to have said: "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ"

Gandhi also said: “I know of no one who has done more for humanity than Jesus. In fact, there is nothing wrong with Christianity.” Unfortunately, he added; “The trouble is with you Christians. You do not begin to live up to your own teachings.”

Sadly, this is true all too often.

People say they are religious but they are intolerant. People say they are religious and they are judgemental. A true Christian heart loves all unconditionally that includes, the ill (both mentally and physically), the old, the wicked, the lost, the poor, the weak and even the strong, no one should be left out it the boat of true Christian spirit, but many times they are and I find it sad and distasteful.

I am grieved that we are not showing forth the heart of Christ.  I am grieved that someone like Gandhi could like Christ but not see his likeness in those called by his name.  I am grieved that when Jesus walked this earth, sinners flocked to him as a safe place, and while they still do so today, often the church is not that place at all neither are the Christians therein.  I am grieved that this quote from Gandhi too often reflects the true sentiments of multitudes of people today.

Being a good example is part of our calling as growing believers. No matter the aspect of life – physical, mental, social, financial, etc., we should realise that people are always watching us, new believers, young believers, and the world in general will look to us to see that our actions match our words. We must strive for consistency in making our walk match our talk. We need to realise that confessing our sins and shortcomings is what we need to get back to where we need to be in our walk with God and in our relationship with others.

I am talking about humbling ourselves before God and asking Him to search our hearts, and to show us ourselves and the real Jesus with spiritual eyes.  I am also talking about asking Him to make us eye-catching to “sinners”, for us to be people who “join the rest of the human race.”  To become one follower of Christ that gives someone somewhere a taste of the heart of God.

Godly wisdom can help us to avoid such issues that take us away from the ideal persons God designed us to be and to heal us when necessary. Self-examination is vital from time to time. We must make sure that our attitudes and actions are not wrong. An unwillingness to deal with these attitudinal deviations can bring long-term reproach to God’s name. If we have wronged others by our words or actions, we need to seek reconciliation by asking for forgiveness and making restitution, if necessary.

We also have a responsibility to hold other believers accountable for how they live. The goal is that all believers live to please God and make the gospel attractive to unbelievers. Practising Godly wisdom allows us to grow stronger in our faith and our commitment to one another.

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