Sunday, December 8, 2013

What If...?

What if there was a big explosion and on opening your eyes, you are standing at the judgment throne of God… what will your account be? What if you slept at night, on waking up all the saints were already long gone, rapture had taken place… what will you do? What if you boarded a flight but could not get to your destination because the plane crashed and there was no time to make amends… what will your excuse be? What if you were standing on the roadside, a speeding vehicle that has lost its break runs you over, and the doctors said there is nothing we can do for him now… what will your explanation as to why you will not enter heaven be?

It is a big shame and gives me great concern the attitude of many Christians and believers towards the second coming of Christ. Some are fearful, apathetic, or even sceptical as unbelievers would. The scripture warns against the dangers of apathy and distractions. It also warns that we must guard against an unhealthy love for this world. There is also the risk of being lulled into a state of indifference or coldness by becoming complacent about the need to consistently mature in our relationship with Christ. Some Christians may be discouraged by the amount of time that has passed since Christ’s promised return.

It is certain that Christ will return. The truth is clear. Christ’s return must not come to us a surprise. We ought to be watchful and be ready, equipped, prepared, and set for His promised return. The promise of Christ’s coming will bring us peace when we are prepared at every moment for Him to return.

As regards our readiness, it is solely on us to decide. God created us with free will. People can choose to follow God’s truth or to follow the blinding, enslaving lies of Satan. God honours the choices people make, even when those choices lead to their destruction. Still, His love compels Him toward acts of grace for their redemption. Those who reject His love are condemned by choosing not to believe.

Are we vulnerable to deception because we do not make knowing God’s word a priority? Are we alert, living with the awareness that Christ will return and allowing that reality to guide our choices? Christ is coming again. We must live faithfully for Him so we are ready for him.

Brother afar from The Saviour today
Risking your soul for the things that decay
Oh if today God should call you away
What would you give in exchange for your soul
Mercy is calling you won't you give heed
Must the Dear Saviour still tenderly plead
Risk not your soul it is precious indeed
What would you give in exchange for your soul

More than all silver and gold of this earth
More than all jewels the spirit is worth
God The Creator has given it birth
What would you give in exchange for your soul

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