Sunday, May 26, 2013

Hectic day...?

With hectic schedules and busy pace of modern life, we may wonder how we can make time for prayer. Yet when we stop to truly consider the importance of prayer, we should wonder how we can afford not to pray. Prayer offers us one of the chief means of spiritual growth. Without prayer, we can wither spiritually just as a plant without water and sunshine. Prayer is the only thing no one religion can claim possession of or origination of it is not a denominational or religious experience prayer is an individual experience that takes place between the Creator and those whom he has created.

Jesus faced demands on His time. His popularity brought crowds eager yo hear Him and experience the healing He was known to bestow. But Jesus however, did not let these demands interfere with His times of prayer. He would leave the crowds and go to an isolated place away from the crowd – for time to talk with His Heavenly Father.

When we pattern our times of prayer after Jesus’ example we will not allow the demands of each day to keep us from spending time with God daily in prayer. If Jesus prayed regularly, how much greater is our need to develop a consistent practice of prayer?

Christians find prayers burdensome and uninviting. To them, it is nothing more than presenting a list of things they want God to do. Being distracted by the demands of life and seeing prayer as a boring duty are two thing that can interfere with daily seeking God. As believers, we must not come to think of prayer as an option or allow it to become something we use only in emergencies. Prayer should always be part of our daily Christian experience

Through prayer we can personally seek and experience spiritual growth. Consistent pray on our part can increase our spiritual strength. Consistent prayer can help us to grow in our understanding of God and in the knowledge of His will for our lives. If we do not grow or posses a prayer life there is no way we can understand the principles of everyday life that God is trying to teach us. Therefore prayer is an absolutely necessity in everyone’s life. This will lead us to mature spiritually as believers. Prayer also enables us to produce the spiritual fruit in our lives that God desires from those who love and obey Him.

So many things compete for our time each day that we do not always find time for prayer. We must fight and make every effort not to let the demands of the day interfere with prayer. Regardless of when we pray, what is really important is that we learn to pray consistently for prayer is a vital connection with God.


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