Sunday, April 7, 2013

How Useful is your gift to God, Yourself and the Society?

Everyone that smokes that I asked why they do it, would always answer that they don’t have a
particular reason for it. They just do it. When they don’t smoke for some time, they feel something
is missing or like they are forgetting something. Despite knowing the consequences, they do it all the
same. Same goes for those who indulge in drunkenness.

Smoking may be lawful in many countries, likewise alcoholic drinks but the big question is: is it
expedient or beneficial? (1 Corinthians 6:12). Many sins grow out of a natural need that either has
been corrupted or carried to excess. Often the deed itself may not be sinful if kept within the proper
boundaries. For instance, sexual relations are not sinful between married couples, but outside of
marriage relationship, such activity is adultery. Eating is a necessary action. But taken to extreme, it
becomes gluttony (a sin).

All the things God made is for our use, we are to put them to good use, for our good and His glory.
Underutilizations or over use of any of these would amount to sin. We are to develop self-control in
order to be able to abstain from sin of overuse. If we are brought under the power of any behaviour,
we will not be able to serve God as He desires.

The health, positions, academic exploits, wealth, proficiency in multiple languages, beauty, strength,
intellect, power, ability, etc. With which we are endowed are for our good and to serve the Will of
God. If we accept that all our resources are a gift from God, then we must also consider how we use
our abilities. We should enjoy the benefits accrued from these resources and abilities that God has
given us as well embrace the responsibilities that comes with it.

The interesting thing about this is that God does not anticipate more than He knows we can handle.
He doesn’t require us to produce the same result as someone else, nor are we expected to have the
same abilities as others; we are simply asked to do our very best with what we have. the bottom
line is that we are presented with equal opportunities not equal gifts, if we are faithful with our gift, we will hear Him declare “well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23) else He will call us
“Wicked and Lazy servant”. The choice is ours!

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