At some point in my life, I had a big crush on someone, I
guess it was more than a crush; it was love. I called him my ‘Superman’ #maybe because i had loved that xter, but hey 'my Superman' was even much more than Clark Kent , the supposedly real superman#

Do you think Jesus’ disciples had a closer relationship with
Him than you do? Why or why not? I need your honest responses.
It’s easy to idealise the lives of biblical characters.
True, Jesus’ disciples had unique experiences with Christ during his earthly
ministry. But Jesus return to the Father means there is no limit to the
fellowship He can have with us or the extent to which He can use our lives in
His service.
This week’s lesson at Sunday School points us toward
defining characteristics of a deep and growing relationship with Christ. That
relationship is to be reflected in the way we live; pleasing to God because we
have been changed by Christ. 2 Corinthians
We should rejoice in the reality of Christ’s abiding presence
in their lives, recognize that our identity has changed due to Christ’s
presence in us and learn to practice acts of loving service as evidence of our
lives in Christ.
We as Christians are different (and that’s the naked truth).
We’re different because Christ (our Superman or Super-God ,if you may) dwells
in us (Christ-like nature) . We work through conflicts with Christlike action as a witness to the world of truth of the gospel; living a new lifestyle despite the pull of temptation and evidences of our old life.
Our obedience is proof of God's redemptive work in our lives. There’s no
time to waste before end-time & judgement, wouldn't you join me today, make
Him your Superman too?