Sunday, December 30, 2012

Uniqueness of a christian (Ethics)

I remember when a friend of mine came to me, telling me he wants to help me solve the issue of me paying excess PHCN (NEPA) bills, I ask him how and he said he was going to bypass the wires that at the end of it all I will be billed less or nothing on my power consumption. I ask him why must he do that. That to me it’s as good as one stealing and he told me to my face that that was his own share of the national cake and he is a Christian.

The Christian who accept the truth of the gospel practices them. Christian ethics is more than mere theory. In other for ethics to be valuable, they must be evident in everyday practical living. According to 2 Peter 1:3. It says, His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

How often do we observe people in authority making mistakes in judgement or even immoral choices that we feel are beneath our own ‘margin for error’? we are sometimes tempted to think that such faults disqualify these men and women from receiving our continued respect and obedience. 1 Peter 2:13-14 says, believers are to obey the laws of the land and not try to ignore the civil authority of our day.
In regards to any unique society or group of people, rumor has a way of growing rapidly within a surrounding community. Rumors abounded concerning certain practices of Christianity. Christians are accused of moral atrocities committed in secret meetings and these were hidden from public view. In as much as we don’t want anything to hinder our godly testimony as believers, Christians need to put to rest false accusations by publicly showing themselves to be citizen of solid stand. 1Peter 2:15-16. 
Christian are to “Honour” everyone. They are to respect others’ rights and personal concerns. Love is to be another important characteristic of their lives. Foundational to believers’ treatment of other people is their commitment to honour God in all that they do. Finally, Christians will honour the king, or live faithfully according to society’s laws whenever they do not conflict with the other principles listed in 1 Peter 2:17.
 Christianity is not just an individual experience. The bible repeatedly describes the Christian as a member of the body of Christ and strongly associated with the other members of that body. As each Christian in a local body of believers guards against evil speech and actions, relationship with other Christians will grow and the church will move forward with God’s blessings.

Practical Christian Ethics, then, "is much more than our deciding to put spiritual principles into practice. It is allowing God to move in our lives and bring out those attitudes and actions that please Him and draw others to Him. Christian ethics must be a part of our everyday lives.

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