Thursday, October 16, 2014

Bread of Life

Back in school, I had gone for night class alone. While there, I got thirsty, very thirsty, I looked around for water. I went out, walked around, every place one could buy drinking water had closed shop and gone home. I search for hours, walked to very far places in search of water. I was willing to pay any amount to just have a taste of water that night. I was even going to take from anywhere I see water, even if it meant that I will go to the owners by morning to explain to them. That was how thirsty I was that night. I ended up drinking water kept for something else. But the satisfaction for the water was only temporary.

Jesus promised us that “He is the bread of life: anyone that comes to Him shall never hunger; and he that believes on Him shall never thirst” Jesus is still The Bread Of Life. He is what the whole world needs, He satisfies all those who partake of Him, there isn't a person on the world who can't tolerate Him, and there isn't a person who won't enjoy Him when they meet Him. 

The people Jesus fed with the miraculous 5 loafs of bread and two fishes kept coming back for that physical bread whose satisfaction is only but temporary. Jesus had something better to offer, the bread that when you have it, you will never hunger and the water when you drink it you will never thirst again. Many of us are like that today; when we seek God, it is only for what He might do to fulfil our immediate physical want, meanwhile, our spiritual needs remain overlooked.

The only work God requires of us is to believe in Jesus, His Son, whom He sent to this word to be the sacrifice for sin. The natural bread we eat will not sustain us beyond today. But the spiritual bread Jesus offers us can give us spiritual life, not only in this life, but the one to come too.

Jesus is the only hope for the world. He is what the soul of man needs before it can experience eternal life. The question that comes to us at this point is this: What have you done with Jesus? Have you received Him into your heart and life? Are you secure in His salvation this morning? If something were to happen to you and you died, where would your soul spend eternity? You can only honestly say Heaven if you have eaten Heaven's Bread. What I mean is this: You are only saved if you have come to Jesus as a sinner, have confessed your sins and have placed your faith in Jesus alone for salvation. Do you know Jesus The Bread Of Life in a personal way? If not, you can if you will come to Him right now. Will you do as He calls you to do? Will you come to Jesus?

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