Monday, July 28, 2014

His Death, My Gain

Jesus’ death was the end of a period of intense physical and spiritual suffering. Jesus was beaten, flogged till He was bloody, and mocked with a crown of thorns. In that condition, He was made to carry His own cross. Then Jesus was executed in a painful and prolonged way. Jesus died when He knew the work He had come to do was accomplished. He had come to earth as human being, to take on himself the sin of humankind. He paid the price for our sin. The he died.

Before Jesus death and resurrection, if you break any of the laws given in the books of Exodus through Deuteronomy (even one time) then you are guilty and not allowed into heaven and so  condemned to an eternity away from God. Jesus loved you so much that he suffered the horrific torture of men, died and went to Hell and back to allow your guilt to be forgiven and your debt of sin cancelled. Jesus was, and is, the only person never to have broken any law; living a sinless life but was killed as a sacrifice for us all.

Dead for 3 days, Jesus conquered the power of death and was given the position of Heavenly Judge. You will see Him when your body dies. He has already taken your place for your guilt, (your sin past, present and future); He already paid your penalty and owns your life but allows you free will to choose to accept this priceless but free gift i.e. access to heaven as a perfect and sinless person, or to reject it. His love for each of us means He does not want you to reject His offer. This is amazing grace!

So many people think that becoming a Christian demands you stop enjoying life. In reality you begin to see what life is all about and even when doing nothing you still enjoy it. You become a full person with knowledge and confidence.

However bad you think your life has been so far - giving it up to Jesus (by asking Him  "Jesus forgive me - please change me - I am so sorry for all I have done against You") is all it takes to be transformed.  He will use your bad for good and you will never be the same again. Go and tell someone! Smile! Enjoy new life!

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