Sunday, October 21, 2012


When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul....
Horatio G. Spafford composed this song while on a ship that was near the spot at sea where his four daughters perished. How could it be “well” for Spafford in his grief?

The value of close friendships is especially important in time of grief. Grief makes life difficult for even the strongest person. Support during the difficult days following the death of a loved one becomes vital. Close friends can readily provide this needed support. Greif reminds us that we need intimate friendships. How poor our lives are if we have the heartaches alone. Friends do not make the pain and sense of loss go away, but they do make it more bearable.

Everyone today seems to live by crowded, hectic schedules. This is all the more reason for us to place our friends high on our list of priorities. Time made for friends will add joy to our lives as well as to their. “No man is an island, thus life’s road is better travelled in the company of friends than alone”.

Recognize the great value friendship holds for you, and then make the effort to build good solid friendships. We depend on friendships. Life is more enjoyable with friends. However, there are people who question the importance of friendships. They see themselves as too strong to need the strength of others.

The closeness that breeds friendship begins with a heart and home that are open to friendship. To have friends, you must be a friend. To take these friendships to a deeper level, one needs to open his or her life to people with whom they want to have friendship. Those who remain aloof from others find it difficult to develop deep friendships. A person who is willing to listen will find it easier to make friends. Developing a friendship should be a priority even at the cost of leaving some things undone so we can give our attention to friends.

Today’s Questions:

1.        What was wrong in what Martha was doing to that of Mary?

2.       In our own way, how do we comfort a friend in grief?

Friendship requires us to make choices. Sometimes, it can be hard to make the best choice we can to strengthen a friendship. Often our head, our sense of duty and obligation can cause us to ignore our heart that recognizes that spending time with a friend is more important than getting certain things done.  

Think about your closest friends. Do they know you cherish them and their friendship? Find ways this week to let your friends know how you feel about them and how much you appreciate them. Each of these friends is a precious gift from the Author of friendship – Jesus.


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