A group of students in a class were asked to say their names, after they did, the teacher asked why their name is what it is and not any other, one of the students answered correctly by stating that it is as result of their parents. Likewise, we get our names as children of God from God our father.
A parent is usually associated with a particular set of attributes, when a child of such parent exhibits this kind of attribute, he/she is said to be a true son or daughter of their father. For God our father, there are characteristics with which He is known. Some of such attributes include righteousness, doing the right thing at all times, love, giving, faithfulness, sincerity, holiness and kindness.
In order to belong to this family of God and enjoy the privileges as Children of God, we must exhibit the attributes of our Father – God. And if we do, the benefits that accrue to the Children of God will not elude us.
Other privileges includes belonging to the family of God (we will no longer be outcasts or bastards, but Children of God with all its accrued benefits), we will have a heart at rest (when we do what our father wants, our conscience will not judge us anymore but we will have serenity, and divine calmness within) and we will have a clear conscience (sin will no longer weigh us down, feelings of guilt and condemnation will all be gone.
God is the owner and controller of everything that was made, He owns the whole world and everything therein. If we ask of Him anything as His children, He will not hesitate to give them to us. All we need to do is believe in the power in the name of Jesus Christ and pray in that power.
Thus the big question is, are we children of God or bastards? Do we exhibit the attribute of the Children of God or are we just deceiving ourselves?