Sunday, December 29, 2013

Words and Opposite

Gandhi is reported to have said: "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ"

Gandhi also said: “I know of no one who has done more for humanity than Jesus. In fact, there is nothing wrong with Christianity.” Unfortunately, he added; “The trouble is with you Christians. You do not begin to live up to your own teachings.”

Sadly, this is true all too often.

People say they are religious but they are intolerant. People say they are religious and they are judgemental. A true Christian heart loves all unconditionally that includes, the ill (both mentally and physically), the old, the wicked, the lost, the poor, the weak and even the strong, no one should be left out it the boat of true Christian spirit, but many times they are and I find it sad and distasteful.

I am grieved that we are not showing forth the heart of Christ.  I am grieved that someone like Gandhi could like Christ but not see his likeness in those called by his name.  I am grieved that when Jesus walked this earth, sinners flocked to him as a safe place, and while they still do so today, often the church is not that place at all neither are the Christians therein.  I am grieved that this quote from Gandhi too often reflects the true sentiments of multitudes of people today.

Being a good example is part of our calling as growing believers. No matter the aspect of life – physical, mental, social, financial, etc., we should realise that people are always watching us, new believers, young believers, and the world in general will look to us to see that our actions match our words. We must strive for consistency in making our walk match our talk. We need to realise that confessing our sins and shortcomings is what we need to get back to where we need to be in our walk with God and in our relationship with others.

I am talking about humbling ourselves before God and asking Him to search our hearts, and to show us ourselves and the real Jesus with spiritual eyes.  I am also talking about asking Him to make us eye-catching to “sinners”, for us to be people who “join the rest of the human race.”  To become one follower of Christ that gives someone somewhere a taste of the heart of God.

Godly wisdom can help us to avoid such issues that take us away from the ideal persons God designed us to be and to heal us when necessary. Self-examination is vital from time to time. We must make sure that our attitudes and actions are not wrong. An unwillingness to deal with these attitudinal deviations can bring long-term reproach to God’s name. If we have wronged others by our words or actions, we need to seek reconciliation by asking for forgiveness and making restitution, if necessary.

We also have a responsibility to hold other believers accountable for how they live. The goal is that all believers live to please God and make the gospel attractive to unbelievers. Practising Godly wisdom allows us to grow stronger in our faith and our commitment to one another.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Level Pegging

Mart De Haan told a story thus:

“My son and his wife have a 120-pound American bulldog with a powerful body and a fearsome face. Yet until we became friends, “Buddy” was not sure he could trust me. As long as I was on my feet, he would keep his distance and would not look at me in the eye. Then one day I learned that if I would get down on the ground, the mood of Buddy’s big-jowled face would change. Sensing I was no longer a threat, he’d come running like a freight train, pounce on me with his big feet, and want me to scratch his muscular neck”.
God chose throughout the Old Testament to reveal himself and His will to His chosen people specifically and to all people in general through the prophets. He has been addressing our ancestors in different ways for centuries. Recently he spoke to us directly through his Son. By his Son, God created the world in the beginning, and it will all belong to the Son at the end. This Son perfectly mirrors God, and is stamped with God's nature. He holds everything together by what he says--powerful words!

The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbourhood and lived amongst us. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish. John pointed him out and called, "This is the One! The One I told you was coming after me but in fact was ahead of me. He has always been ahead of me, has always had the first word."

We can sense the greatness of God’s love and compassion for us in that He sent His Son to become a man to take our place and die for our sins. From His lowly birth to the suffering on the cross to the power of His resurrection, Jesus’ life was the ultimate expression of God’s desire for us to know Him.

Just like Buddy in the story above, God came down to our level and lived among us in the person of Christ. From the day that our first parents sinned and hid from the presence of the Lord, our tendency has been to be afraid of coming to a high and holy God on His terms. God showed how low He was willing to go to bring us to Himself. By adopting the form of a lowly servant, our Creator lived and died to disarm our wrongs. Even now, He is coaxing us from the cover of our spiritual darkness to call us friends. How can we still be afraid to trust Him?

Entering the human family as a baby allowed God to reveal himself to us in a way in which we could better understand Him. Let us therefore, allow the true meaning of Christmas to guide our thoughts and actions. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Lord's Chosen

If one wins a raffle and a cheque is issued or one does a job and the person he did the job for gives him a cheque; unless the cheque is taken to and/or presented in a bank, the cheque is just but a piece of paper, it amounts to nothing. Many Christians are like that, in that, they are not availing themselves of the unlimited promises of God. They may put them on a plaque on the wall, show it to everyone but practically they never actually use God’s promises in their daily lives. Peter wants us to know that… “God has granted to us everything we need for life and godliness through knowing Christ and trusting in His all-sufficient promises.”

We have all these because we are a “chosen people”, one set aside for God. Linage of “royal priests”, “a holy nation”, “a peculiar people” and “God’s own possession”. God did all these so we can show others the goodness of God, for he called us out of the darkness into his wonderful light. "Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God's people. Once you received no mercy; now you have received God's mercy."

This idea of being chosen includes free will. People have free will, so are free to choose to serve Christ or not. However, all who believe in Christ become part of that chosen people, through salvation. Hard times and difficulties may challenge our resolve and create questions in the hearts of even very strong believers. Questions like, am I really a Christian or have I somehow forsaken God unknowingly, does a real Christian go through extended times of pain and suffering like this?

In times like these, we need a perspective as well as assurance. Knowing that, from the beginning, God created us for a purpose helps us remember who we are, in spite of what we are going through or how we feel now. In the grand plan of things, God did not just choose us to become Christians and that will be it. He also made provision for how we will achieve this goal. We can only reach the goal through a continued process of sanctification by the Holy Spirit and a steadfast belief in the truth. The Holy Spirit separates us to God and obedience to His will and grants us the help and power to live holy.

God does not leave us with simply an ideal goal. He himself makes it possible for us to achieve that goal. God provides the resources we need for standing firm. At times, everyone faces tense circumstances. The past could hold unpleasant memories. The present may seem out of control. Moreover, the future may be uncertain. Nevertheless, we are not at the mercy of such circumstances and the accompanying emotions. God is our source of comfort, encouragement and strength. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

What If...?

What if there was a big explosion and on opening your eyes, you are standing at the judgment throne of God… what will your account be? What if you slept at night, on waking up all the saints were already long gone, rapture had taken place… what will you do? What if you boarded a flight but could not get to your destination because the plane crashed and there was no time to make amends… what will your excuse be? What if you were standing on the roadside, a speeding vehicle that has lost its break runs you over, and the doctors said there is nothing we can do for him now… what will your explanation as to why you will not enter heaven be?

It is a big shame and gives me great concern the attitude of many Christians and believers towards the second coming of Christ. Some are fearful, apathetic, or even sceptical as unbelievers would. The scripture warns against the dangers of apathy and distractions. It also warns that we must guard against an unhealthy love for this world. There is also the risk of being lulled into a state of indifference or coldness by becoming complacent about the need to consistently mature in our relationship with Christ. Some Christians may be discouraged by the amount of time that has passed since Christ’s promised return.

It is certain that Christ will return. The truth is clear. Christ’s return must not come to us a surprise. We ought to be watchful and be ready, equipped, prepared, and set for His promised return. The promise of Christ’s coming will bring us peace when we are prepared at every moment for Him to return.

As regards our readiness, it is solely on us to decide. God created us with free will. People can choose to follow God’s truth or to follow the blinding, enslaving lies of Satan. God honours the choices people make, even when those choices lead to their destruction. Still, His love compels Him toward acts of grace for their redemption. Those who reject His love are condemned by choosing not to believe.

Are we vulnerable to deception because we do not make knowing God’s word a priority? Are we alert, living with the awareness that Christ will return and allowing that reality to guide our choices? Christ is coming again. We must live faithfully for Him so we are ready for him.

Brother afar from The Saviour today
Risking your soul for the things that decay
Oh if today God should call you away
What would you give in exchange for your soul
Mercy is calling you won't you give heed
Must the Dear Saviour still tenderly plead
Risk not your soul it is precious indeed
What would you give in exchange for your soul

More than all silver and gold of this earth
More than all jewels the spirit is worth
God The Creator has given it birth
What would you give in exchange for your soul

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Marana tha

She would not compromise as others do and the lecturer would fail her repeatedly; he would not pay the bribe they asked for so he lost the contract; she refused to sleep with him before marriage so he called off the marriage; his parent refused to pay his school fees because he goes to church; maybe none of them is your story but believers are persecuted daily. How will we respond? Where will we be in the weeks and months following this persecution? If we are faithful to our saviour, we will receive His commendation.
Faithfulness relates closely to perseverance – facing the challenges of life without allowing them hinder one’s progress in the faith. It involves an ongoing steadiness and consistency. Despite all challenges we face as Christians, we have this assurance – the temporary sufferings and persecutions for Christ’s sake will be replaced by an eternity of reward and rejoicing.

The Lord will one day correct these injustice. God will one day judge the persecutors, the unrepentant evil doers, no matter how successful they may seem – the day of utter vindication for God’s people, when righteousness will triumph and sin will be completely defeated.

God’s judgement will come upon those who do not know him and those who do not obey the gospel of the Lord Jesus. Knowing God involves intimacy and relationship with Him. God calls us his children because we believe in Christ. We have the wonderful promise that “we shall be like him as he is” we shall find ultimate participation and fulfillment in His glory when we are like Him.

Being counted worthy to be called God’s children is not about what we did, how we led our lives or what we earned. It is a by grace that we are saved. We surrendered ourselves to God’s purpose for our lives. We turn over to His control with the assurance that He is leading us to a place beyond what we could imagine.
Yes, persecutions and self-denials will come. Sometimes, it may continue even to the end of our lives. However, if we preserver, God’s plan will be fully seen in us. No power on earth or scheme of humankind can change that reality. We should expect His redemption, when our expectations is cut off, we should hope, when hope fail, we should have faith. If faith does not seem to be doing the job, we should endure. When enduring is not enough we should preserve. However, in all we do, we should never give up. God is not done with us yet.

We must maintain an eternal perspective. We can know that despite our challenges and limitations, we have eternal life through faith in Christ. We do well to examine our attitudes from time to time, ensuring that the problems of the present does not distract us from focusing on eternity. While the world can overwhelm us with trials, its pressures and priorities can also distract us; with God’s help, may we respond solemnly to the realities of God’s judgement by seeking eternal rewards.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Personal Rapture

Back in my early years, one monday morning I was getting ready to go to school, but news was all over the place that there was an accident, two boys and a girl were involved; one maybe dead and the others critically injured. Later that day, It was  confirmed that one of my very good friend was involved; we sat together in service the previous day. They were on their way to school when a car lost control and knocked them down and the boy died instantly. We were both about eight(8) years old at the time. 
What better description of the suddenness of rapture.

The bible said it is appointed unto a man once to die and judgment follows. For my late friend, that was his rapture. Rapture takes place daily. It could happen at any one moment. Stories has been told of people who were killed by stray bullets, some slept and did not wake-up, tripped on staircase, broke their neck and died or even people who died in collapsed buildings. To all these ones, there goes their rapture. That is not to say we should not live in anticipation of the second coming of Christ, that is a core part of our belief, we must stay alert and keep watch.

The Lord’s coming will be like a thief in the night. This is to show the sudden and unexpected nature of Christ’s return. One would have prepared if he knew a thief would come. Jesus warned that we should be ready at all times for His coming.
Tragically, many people will not be ready for the Lord’s return or even the personal rapture (death). They would be gloating in their accomplishments, thinking their clever advances will bring lasting peace. Instead, they will reap destruction. Caught in the trap of their own folly. We should never grow complacent of become self-satisfied in that knowledge.

We must live each day with Christ’s return in mind, keeping our lives pure and devoted to God. A Christian’s lifestyle should be different from worldly patterns of living as day is from the night. Our thoughts, words, actions, and priorities are to reflect Jesus’ character. Our lives should be characterised by self-control, faith, love, and the hope of salvation. It is possible to be caught up in worldly attractions and the hectic pace of living that we lose sights of what is most important. When we lose our passion for Jesus and become spiritually drowsy, we are in danger of being caught unprepared at His coming.

Jesus will return just as He promised. Personal rapture too happens unexpectedly. If you knew that Jesus would return tomorrow, what would you do differently? Perhaps you would repent from sin, stop all bad and sinful habits, make amends with an estranged family member, friend or colleague and then share the gospel with someone who needs to hear. Consider making these new changes now – while you still have the opportunity. Jesus could return any day. Make a fresh commitment to live each day with Christ’s return in view.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

God my personal person

Cliftton Williams, 33, went to support his cousin during a hearing on a felony drugs charge, but during the sentencing he stretched his arms and let out a loud distracting yawn. His cousin got two years’ probation, but the yawning got Williams six months in jail for contempt of court. Surprising isn’t it?

We do worse than that to God both in and outside the church. We take God for granted too much. We have become overly familiar with Him that we believe we can get away with any and everything… after all, He no longer strikes people dead like in the case of Ananias and Sapphira  or Uzzah.

This has led to unmarried people living in sexual immorality – premarital sex (kissing and romancing), adultery, pornography, masturbation, incest, bestiality, bisexuality, paedophilia, etc. (see; deceit and cheating, lying, stealing, defrauding and embezzling church funds, and so on and so forth.

People has become too casual as they enter into God’s presence. This condition can affect even those who are closest to Him, and have known Him for the longest time. Remember when you were first saved? You came to the house of the Lord and were awestruck, right? You would enter his presence with a trembling in your heart. Every time you opened your Bible, it was as if you had dug in the sand somewhere and found this hidden treasure. In addition, every time you opened the lid, you were going deeper and deeper into incredible gems of truth that were revolutionizing your life.

Ask yourself if you pass or fail this test. Have you become so familiar with God that you have little to no fear of Him? How do you know? Simple – if you premeditate sin and rationalize, “God will forgive me,” then you do not fear God. It is the most hazardous place to be. Your heart has become full of sin. You have set your hand to the ark of God, Christ Jesus the Lord, and you have mishandled the glory of God. How? By treating that which is holy as commonplace, to such a degree that you could easily mistake it for contempt. When you take the holy Son of God and you treat Him commonly, it is as if Uzzah is putting his hand to the ark all over again.

If you no longer set Him up as high and holy; if He is not the object of your greatest respect; if you now consider His mercy to you a right and not an undeserved kindness, the sacred has become common. That is the prevalent sin of God’s people today: this is where we are, we mishandle the sacredness of God because we are so familiar with Him. I plead today; let us repent of hearts filled with contempt. Let us regret our cold casualness toward our God. Can you not shed at least one tear for mishandling the sacred? Ask and pray for a boldness that fears not to come to God; for a grace that draws us near; for a holy fear that causes you to draw near rather than away from Him. May you and I live life so characterized by carefulness that people see in our face and countenance the face and the glory of the Son of God, and that glory smites them with a conviction that causes them to tremble that they would ask us, “What must I do to be saved?” Amen.

Monday, November 11, 2013

For Your Own Good!

John fell in love (or so he thought) with a beautiful girl named Joy. He was all in; it seemed like bliss all the way, the excitements, adventures, and anticipations. One day, several months into the relationship, he was trying to jump a ride home; he saw Joy’s car approaching. He leaped in anticipation, but the car whizzed past with another guy at the wheel. The worst part was that she waved gaily as they rushed by. You could imagine the disappointment and betrayal.

Everyone has been betrayed by someone at one point or the other, some more profoundly than others. Betrayal is a violation that strikes at the core of our being; to make ourselves vulnerable and entrust our wellbeing to another, only to be harmed by those on whom our hopes were set, is among the worst pain of human experience

Sometimes the way God treats us feels like betrayal. We find ourselves in a dangerous world, unable to arrange for the water our thirsty souls so desperately need. Our rope will not take the bucket to the bottom of the well. We know God has the ability to draw water for us. However, oftentimes he will not. We feel wronged. We ask, “Do you care for me, God?”

It is easy to praise God when things are going our way. However, hard time can be real test of faith. They can push us away from God, or they can send us running, like children into the father’s arms. Stress, anxiety and grief can open our lives to spiritual attack. Satan may tell us that God has abandoned us, that He does not care or that we were better off before becoming Christians. 

This is when we need to cling to God’s promises. Sometimes those truths are hard to believe when we reach toward God in faith; He will guide us through our darkest hours. He knows what we are going through and is beside us every step of the way whether or not we can feel Him.

God is the Storyteller. He is the director of the story of our lives. He has the script; He knows the end from the beginning. Just like someone that has watched a football match or movie before and it is being replayed. Someone who has not seen it  before would shout at every goal attempt  but since you know the outcome already, you are never moved.

The author (God) lies behind and beyond. He has watched the movie of our lives and knows the storyline by heart. His omniscience and omnipotence makes Him the mastermind behind the story. Just trust Him and He will come good for you.

He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son. The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored. We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him.
(Romans 8:27-29, MSG)

Sunday, November 3, 2013


The story was told of two brothers who terrorised their community. Stealing, bullying and all manner of despicable acts was their trademark. Soon, one of them died. Then the living brother approached a priest with the following request, ‘Sir, i would pay you anything, just name your price but all you have to do is call my brother a ‘saint’ at his funeral’. The Priest agreed.

At last the funeral day came; the priest mounted the podium and began the sermon. ‘Today, we are gathered to witness the burial of a unique man. This man was a hooligan, thief, terrorist, drug addict and more, but compared to his brother, he was a saint! ’.

Gosh! I laughed my heart out when i heard that story, but seriously, imagine somebody’s testimony. I’m already pondering what mine will be, what is my life’s testimony? . American author, Mark Twain, once said, “Let us endeavour so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry ”.

Our lesson today, narrows down to the life of Paul and the people of Thessalonica.1 Thessalonians 1:1 through 2:20. The apostle Paul wasn’t out to win any popularity contests, but he did lead an exemplary life in Christ. He loved deeply, preached earnestly, served sacrificially and honoured God faithfully.

In today’s world full of hypocrites, sycophants and the likes, like Paul, we may find that not everyone likes us , especially when we take a bold stand for righteousness. Nevertheless, our lives can be wonderful testimonies that can point others, even our enemies to Christ. Genuine Christian living is a powerful testimony for Christ.

It is said that there are 5 gospels, Mathew , Mark, Luke, John and ‘the Christian’ but people hardly read the first 4. Thus dear Christian,  i challenge you, nope! I encourage you to serve God with your lifestyle such that men and even the heavenlies will give testimonies about you.

I recommend that you trust God for every moment, live like Jesus, engage in discipleship, embrace God’s word, and persevere in love even in spite of hardship. As your name is in God’s book of remembrance, i implore you, Do not cease in your work of faith, labour of love and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father (1 Thessalonians 1:3)


Monday, October 28, 2013

Breaking News!

 Breaking News! “70 die and over 300 Displaced in the Recent Earthquake that Rocked City X; 
Forest Fire Outbreak in City Y has left over 4000 Homeless as Fire-fighters Continue to Battle the Fire; Another Car bomb Has Gone Off This Morning Bringing it to a Total of 8 This Month; Flood has Displaced Many and Destroyed Properties Worth Millions After Rain Poured for Over 18 Hours in City Z” and the list goes on and on. News these days are about disaster, tragedy, poverty, war, crime, corruption and things like such. Nature itself is in a constant state of upheaval, with earthquakes, famine, killer storms and hazardous whether and climatic conditions around the world. It was not always this way.

When God made the world, it was good. The world was a sanctuary in which every part of God’s perfect creation pointed to a perfect creator. However, sin devastated the world and distorted God’s design. While we can recognise God’s handiwork in creation, this world’s glory is far from what it once was or what it ought to be.

Despite all these, there is one hope that we have – “He will make all things new” (Rev. 21:5). We will have the opportunity to experience and enjoy all that God planned for us from the beginning. Thus, we should join every creation in this cry as we grieve over the sinfulness of this present world and express a desire for Christ’s soon return.

Like a pregnant woman, all around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. However, it is not only around us; it is within us as well. We are also feeling the birth pangs. The pain is bearable because we know this temporary sorrow will soon give way to a joy and eternal life. At His appointed time, God will create a new heaven and earth and we will live with Him forever.

What a privilege to be counted among the people from every race and nationality who will see God’s face and praise Him throughout eternity. The sorrows of this life will become distant and unimportant the moment we step into the Lord’s glorious presence.

Jesus’ redemptive work changes everything. Knowing Him gives us hope and a purpose beyond this life. Even when struggles and trials seem overwhelming, we can say with Job, “Still, I know that God lives--the One who gives me back my life-- and eventually he'll take his stand on earth” (Job 19:25). When life seems out of control, we should always remember God is in control. Our Redeemer has risen from the grave, victorious over sin and death.
If you have not accepted the free gift of salvation that is available through Jesus, now is the time. Begin a relationship with Him today and allow His redemptive work to transform your life.
If you already have a relationship with Christ, take time this week to thank Him for all He has done, doing and will do for you. Ask Him to help you live out your faith and share His message with others as you watch for His return.